Thursday, July 7, 2011


"Failure is so important. We speak about success all the time. It is the ability to resist failure or use failure that often leads to the greater success."
-JK Rowling-

Suddenly I just thought about being a failure.But hey,I used to be a failure once,perhaps in coming future,I dunno what I would be.Failure keep coming and coming until we get really matured to handle that failure.In certain case,failure is just like a test for someone to be a good/better person.Trust me,I believe in Allah SWT not gonna give a failure just like that without the hidden meaning.We are as a human should think by using the brain the HE gave us to think there are always SUCCESS behind every FAILURE. I really do hope,that me,my friends,and people out there,never give up on faith,because all we need is to believe what we're going to achieve,then in the end,in God's will,you'll feel the sweetness of bitteness you've been through all this time.
This quote really caught my eye and the words are really deep in meaning.Let just be positive for once.